Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must be secretly working for Donald Trump

Mark Whittington
5 min readApr 20, 2019
Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, image courtesy United States House of Representatives

A year ago, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was an obscure bartender. Now she is the most famous member of the House of Representatives, reviled by millions, admired by millions. The freshman representative is always great for a quote, most of them rather bizarre. She presents herself as a “democratic socialist,” a contradiction in terms as socialism by its very nature is authoritarian. She is the purveyor of something called “The Green New Deal,” a plan to remake American civilization more to her liking. Recently, Ocasio-Cortez released a YouTube video that has been described as a “chilling, dystopian masterpiece,” though that may not have been her intent.

However, her short career in Congress has led to the inevitable conclusion that Ocasio-Cortez is secretly working for President Donald Trump to ensure his reelection by a landslide. This conclusion may be hard to believe, especially by her legions of Twitter followers and Democratic presidential candidates who have embraced the Green New Deal as the sure-fire app that will topple President Trump, now that Russian collusion has been proven to be a fraud, and usher in the progressive utopia. However, Ocasio-Cortez seems to have had the effect of buttressing the case for Trump’s reelection.

The fact sheet about the Green New Deal, taken down quickly by Ocasio-Cortez but preserved by the Heartland Institute, contains a lot of verbiage about subjects ranging from health care to refurbishing every building in America to make them more energy efficient. A couple of areas of concern have jumped out at people. One concerns the elimination of all air travel and other forms of transportation:

“Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle.”

Clearly this section appears not to have been thought through. If air travel “stops becoming necessary” then how will Americans travel to places outside of the American mainland? High speed rail to, say, Hawaii is not going to work very well. Ocean liners tend to run best on fossil fuels and not on solar or wind power, unless one proposes to go back to the age of wooden ships and sails.

The Green New Deal also has a reference to “farting cows” in its fact sheet, suggesting that they, along with air travel, cannot be eliminated in the ten-year time frame. Cows tend to belch and otherwise emit methane, which is a more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2. The elimination of the cattle industry has been a goal for environmentalists, many of whom are vegetarians or vegans in any case. Fewer greenhouse gasses would be pumped into the atmosphere and people would be forced to stop eating unhealthy red meat and dairy products.

The idea of a cattle holocaust has elicited a great deal of mockery. In states like Texas, where barbecue is as much of a religion as it is a culinary art, some have all but declared that Ocasio-Cortez will take away their grilling tongs from their cold, dead fingers.

In any case, Ocasio-Cortez is now blaming the fact sheet on an overzealous staffer, a common dodge when a gaffe, which is to say an unintentional telling of the truth, has been made. The young congresswoman has been coy about what the Green New Deal will entail.

In the meantime, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put up the Green New Deal for a vote in the Senate. The proposal garnered not a single vote, with Republicans voting against and most Democrats, even those who support the idea, voting present.

Undaunted, Ocasio-Cortez created the forementioned YouTube video from the future world of the Green New Deal. It starts with the now former member of congress riding between New York and Washington in a private car of a high-speed train. She describes how, after having found $93 trillion under the nation’s couch cushions, she helped to create an environmental utopia with the help of native American shamans who are, after all and unlike Latinas who claim to be from the Bronx, at one with the land. A reference to a young lady named Iliana who wanders aimlessly from a landscaping job, to being a nanny, to finally finding her true calling in politics exists in the short film.

The only buzzkill in the video is a passing mention to the destruction of Miami and South Florida by “Hurricane Sheldon.” What the Big Bang Theory’s Jim Parsons ever did to have the name of his iconic character associated with mass destruction and death is not mentioned.

Incidentally, Ocasio-Cortez is taking credit for preventing Amazon.com from establishing a secondary headquarters in New York City. Real issues exist about the kind of crony capitalism tax breaks that were being offered, but the congresswoman’s constituents are resentful about 25,000 jobs that won’t be coming their way. Ocasio-Cortez is unmoved by their complaints.

The reason one must suspect that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is doing all of this secretly on behalf of President Trump stems from the principle of qui bono or who benefits. Certainly, the House Democrats are not benefiting. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, when she is not trash-talking the freshman representative at press conferences, is plotting to get rid of her by finding someone to primary her in 2020. Pelosi, a canny politician, can see her hard-won House majority vanishing like the morning mist, thanks to Ocasio-Cortez.

Trump, on the other hand, has a ready-made sound-bite for his Twitter feed and his monster rallies. The slightest mention of the Green New Deal and the elimination of air travel and cattle is a sure-fire way to get the crowd roaring.

Two reasons exist for Ocasio-Cortez and the Green New Deal. Either she really is that crazy or she is crazy like a fox. In the latter scenario, one can imagine, say a year and a half ago, a representative from Team Trump paying the then obscure bartender and offering the proposal. Ocasio-Cortez no doubt flattered to have drawn the attention of the host of The Apprentice, accepts. The rest, as they say, is history.

The gentle reader may regard the preceding as satire. It may be, but is it really? We’ll know in two years after Ocasio-Cortez is retired back to private life and finds herself as supervisor of hospitality at Mar-a-l;ago.



Mark Whittington

Mark Whittington, is published in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Hill, USA Today, the LA Times, and the Washington Post.